

As teachers, administrators, and educational professionals, you can play a crucial role in a young person's journey. Explore resources that can help you encourage self-determined habits in your school or classroom!
young adults look at a booklet together

Where do I start?

As an educator, you have a lot to work with. Let us help you find what you need so that you can effectively support your students.

Educator Path to Success

The Pathways to Success are set up for you, at your own pace, to learn about how to support your students in becoming more self-determined. Follow the Educator Path in the order it has been created, or skip to certain parts to grab the information you need. We hope the animated videos help clarify some of the concepts around self-determination.

Video Series – Student Involvement in the IEP Process

Have you ever wondered how to get students more involved in their education? The IEP process is a wonderful place to start, and with the help of our tools, you’ll see how easy it is to bring student voice to the forefront, resulting in a plan that better represents the student.

Highlighted Tools

One-Pager: Identity and Self-Awareness

Download this one-pager on identity and self-awareness, a tool to help you reflect on key details that will help others get to know you better.
4 column worksheet with headings My Strengths (in yellow), My Preferences (in teal), My Interests (in red), and My Needs (in purple)

Use the Good Day Plan to Design a Daily Routine

The Good Day Plan is a fillable PDF you can download to help design days that are perfect for you!
4 column worksheet with headings Good Day (in yellow), Now (in teal), Action (in red), and Support (in purple)

Use the Goal Plan to Set and Attain Goals

The Goal Plan is a simple tool to help youth set and attain goals. Download a fillable PDF and instructions on how to use the Goal Plan.
4 column worksheet with headings My Goal (in yellow), Outcomes (in teal), Next Steps (in red), and People Who Can Support (in purple)

Video: Hear from Educators at St. Mary’s

In this video, educators encourage fellow teachers who are adapting lessons and activities for students with special needs. They highlight the importance of having high expectations and fostering independence.

Self-Determination: Competence, Autonomy, Relatedness (CAR)

Explore three aspects of self-determination: competence, autonomy, and relatedness.
Screenshot from competence, autonomy, and relatedness video showing three square icons. A blue icon with an individual sitting in and pushing a wheelchair, a yellow icon showing a flexed arm and bicep, and a green icon showing a mountain peak with a flag at the top.

Poster: Understand the Elements of I’m Determined

Understand the skills, abilities, and beliefs that contribute to self-determination.
Elements of I'm Determined - grid of 9 colorful blocks with elements listed inside with definitions. The 9 elements and definitions are: Choice Making - The skill of selecting a path forward between two known options. Decision Making - The skill of selecting a path forward based on various solutions that have each been thoughtfully considered. Problem Solving - The skill of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues. Goal Setting & Attainment - The ability to develop a goal, plan for implementation, and measure success. Self-Regulation - The ability to monitor and control one's own behaviors, actions, and skills in various situations. Self-Advocacy - The skills necessary to speak up and/or defend a cause or a person. Internal Locus of Control - The belief that one has control over the outcomes that are important to his or her own life. Self-Efficacy - Belief in one's own ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish specific tasks. Self-Awareness - Basic understanding of one's own strengths, needs, and abilities.

About I’m Determined

Learn More

Learn more about I’m Determined, read about the history of disability, and look into how we’re active in your region.