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Student Rubric for IEP Participation

October 19, 2023
This rubric helps students determine their current level of participation in their IEP process, and plan for the next level.
Thumbnail image of the Student Rubric for IEP Participation

Self-Determination: Competence, Autonomy, Relatedness (CAR)

September 26, 2022
Explore three aspects of self-determination: competence, autonomy, and relatedness.
Screenshot from competence, autonomy, and relatedness video showing three square icons. A blue icon with an individual sitting in and pushing a wheelchair, a yellow icon showing a flexed arm and bicep, and a green icon showing a mountain peak with a flag at the top.

Transition Guide: Post-Secondary Education and Training

April 10, 2021
Use the Post-Secondary Education and Training Transition Guide to help you or someone you love explore options for next steps for a self-determined future.
Three young women, one in a wheelchair, make their way down a long sidewalk on a college campus.