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Video Series: Student Involvement in the IEP Process

November 3, 2022
This video series will help you explore student involvement in the IEP process.
Stylized teal slide with the words: Developing Skills: Students who are self-determined and participate in their IEPs have: better academic outcomes, better post-school outcomes, higher quality of life, greater independence

Self-Determination: Competence, Autonomy, Relatedness (CAR)

September 26, 2022
Explore three aspects of self-determination: competence, autonomy, and relatedness.
Screenshot from competence, autonomy, and relatedness video showing three square icons. A blue icon with an individual sitting in and pushing a wheelchair, a yellow icon showing a flexed arm and bicep, and a green icon showing a mountain peak with a flag at the top.

Dining at the Youth Summit OC

May 10, 2019
Our Youth & Parent Summit takes place at James Madison University. Take a look at the variety of offerings at the dining hall!