My Favorite Tools

Use the Good Day Plan to Design a Daily Routine

May 2, 2014
The Good Day Plan is a fillable PDF you can download to help design days that are perfect for you!
4 column worksheet with headings Good Day (in yellow), Now (in teal), Action (in red), and Support (in purple)

Poster: Understand the Elements of I’m Determined

January 31, 2019
Understand the skills, abilities, and beliefs that contribute to self-determination.
Elements of I'm Determined - grid of 9 colorful blocks with elements listed inside with definitions. The 9 elements and definitions are: Choice Making - The skill of selecting a path forward between two known options. Decision Making - The skill of selecting a path forward based on various solutions that have each been thoughtfully considered. Problem Solving - The skill of finding solutions to difficult or complex issues. Goal Setting & Attainment - The ability to develop a goal, plan for implementation, and measure success. Self-Regulation - The ability to monitor and control one's own behaviors, actions, and skills in various situations. Self-Advocacy - The skills necessary to speak up and/or defend a cause or a person. Internal Locus of Control - The belief that one has control over the outcomes that are important to his or her own life. Self-Efficacy - Belief in one's own ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish specific tasks. Self-Awareness - Basic understanding of one's own strengths, needs, and abilities.

The Importance Of Assistive Technology OC

March 15, 2012
I'm Determined Youth Leaders discuss the technology tools they use to achieve success in school and in life. They also talk about advocating for the right to use that technology in the classroom (with captions).