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Video Series: Student Involvement in the IEP Process

November 3, 2022
This video series will help you explore student involvement in the IEP process.
Stylized teal slide with the words: Developing Skills: Students who are self-determined and participate in their IEPs have: better academic outcomes, better post-school outcomes, higher quality of life, greater independence

Educator Pathway to Success

September 26, 2022
We've broken down key ideas about how to support your students in their journey toward self-determination.
Illustrated laptop screen that shows a path that splits and goes two ways. A teacher and students wearing different colored shirts are standing on both sides of the path.

Cayden’s Journey

March 21, 2018
Cayden walks us through his journey toward self-determination and describes his experience as a youth-leader (with captions).
Video capture - Cayden sits in his house while being interviewed about his journey.